11-03-2008, 12:00 PM
#305 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 271
Originally Posted by jibber
Sh*t you thought that up until the US invaded iraqi citizens had no arms in the country. They sure as hell didn't fight a brutal war with iran with shovels and hoes.
Originally Posted by WendyCal
How do you abolish a corrupt government?
Civil War sounds like an option.
But, yikes. When all you have are 'plow shares' ~ scythes and sickles, sticks and stones ~ WTF do you do?
Gee, Jibber, to any intelligent person, the fact that the words 'plow shares' were in quotes would have been the first clue that it was an example. The dashes with some definitions/more examples would have clinched it, for the semi-intelligent.
Only the UNintelligent would have taken that to mean what it said, literally ~
everyone else would have realized that it was an example of a civil war, where the military has MUCH greater armaments, as well as strategies for fighting, than the citizens EVER will, regardless of whatever the citizenry is armed with.
[mumble, mumble] [mutter, mutter] Talk about a DUMBASS...!!! Cripes