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Old 11-02-2008, 01:13 AM   #293 (permalink)
Son of JayJamJah
Occams Razor
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Originally Posted by lucifer_sam View Post
JJ, I've always admired your cynicism.
I feel like you're level-headed about a great many things and it really pains me to try to argue with you, but I have to admit I feel disappointed by your conviction on this topic. I know you're conservative and I have nothing against that, but there comes a time when you need to recognize what constitutes a warranted war. I don't enjoy political debate, especially ire-inducing and long-winded arguments like this, so I'm not going to tender details, but this sure represents a divergence from your sensible personality. I won't be able to change your beliefs anyways, no matter how hard I yell. The war in Iraq was just never something that I could endorse.

It doesn't matter if you endorse it, it's reality and it has to be dealt with in reality. It's about moving forward from the past right or wrong and trying to do what's best in the present for the future. I don't care if it's a warranted war by ant legal, moral or ethical standards (make no assumptions based on this statement's liberal use of language), I know what we are doing is the right thing and that's enough for me. I recognize America as the good guys on this one and therefore am going to root for them. I am cynical about the governments aptitude not it's intentions. My mind changes constantly on subjects because circumstances are ever evolving, you don't need to argue just offer your perspective and any analysis of mine you have.

War always sucks because the loss of innocent lives sucks death sucks and death is scary. War is a means only acceptable after reason, rational and discussion have been exhausted. The bottom line about the Wars justification is this. The President approved it, Congress approved it, Intelligence approved it, The American Public approved of it. Knowing what we know now you'd be a fool to say it's justified based on the merits presented to the public but that was never an option. We'd didn't know what we know now then.
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Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent View Post
i prefer foreplay. the orgasm is overrated.
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