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Old 11-01-2008, 03:47 PM   #129 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 271

Originally Posted by adidasss View Post
I'd like to see more people (who can actually write) write reviews of current albums.

I'm not sure what cliques people are talking about (especially since those complains seem to be coming from people who've been here a total of a few days).
Having a member proof-read and, perhaps, edit for grammar, would take care of the 'guessing-what-they-meant' thing, as well as classing-up the site. Good idea!

i would also like to second (or thrid, whatever number you're up to) the putting of the Intro Stuff at the top of the forums list. It really would be better for newbies.

Also, if what y'all are suggesting is not letting anyone who admits to being here to learn to not post for a certain amount of time, that would be fine, but you'd need to have another member Mentor them.

And i was sort of shocked to see that this had been addressed, what? 4 months before i appeared on the scene? , the instant flaming, insults and down-right attacks by some members. If we, as n00bs, should refrain from posting irrevelant threads, then y'all should certainly show enough restraint to keep yourselves from posting some ugly comment, just for the sake of, well, what? Talk about, "What's the Point?"...

Yeah, yeah.

Just saying.
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