Music Banter - View Single Post - The Rolling Stones vs. The Beatles
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Old 10-31-2008, 09:50 AM   #587 (permalink)
Join Date: Oct 2008
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Originally Posted by Brad Stengel View Post
The Rolling Stones are a superior rock band, while the Beatles are superior in a pop sense. I remember debating this once with my dad, when I liked the Beatles better, and I mentioned all the crappy albums after 'Exile on Main Street' that the Stones made. He said If Im allowed to count those, hes allowed to count all the crappy solo projects the Beatles had.

But, yeah, The Rolling Stones for sure. Between 1968 and 1972 they made four of the most perfect studio albums of all time. The Beatles only have two that come close.

Their best albums, "Abbey Road" and "Exile On Main Street", I'd say equal in greatness. Their second best, "Sgt. Pepper" versus "Let It Bleed" (a wonderful title based on the Beatles, 'Let It Be')-not even close, 'Let It Bleed is far superior. 'White Album' versus 'Sticky Fingers'...close, but only because it's a double album. Sticky Fingers is better than either of the two parts of the White ALbum if they're alone, although this is the closest in quality. "Beggars Banquet" versus "Revolver", no contest. Beggars Banquet is rawer, and with none of Paul McCartney's annoying novelty pop songs.

In conclusion, I love the Beatles, and if I was comparing them in a pop sense, I'd argue the opposite. I know the thread made no specification, but generally when I talk to people about this they mean, 'who's a better rock band' in which case it's the Stones, considering the Beatles never wrote any songs about fucking 15 year olds.
Yeh but do the Stones have 100 great songs? Are the Stones music is widely as interpeted as the Beatles? The answer is no. Please the Stones were a covers band until the Beatles inspired them to write their songs. There is plenty of filler on all their albums.

The Stones were better at doing the Muddy Waters, Chuck Berry thing. The Beatles were better at everything else. The Beatles were better doing the pop thing they revolutionized it from everthing backward instrumentation to guitar feedback. The Beatles were more complex and innovative.

The Beatles did the prog thing better also and they helped influenced it also. The Stones for the most part floundered except for some instances like "She A Rainbow' or "2000 Light Years from Home"..

The Beatles, for instance, used so many scales including for example: diatonic, chromatic, whole tone, pentatonic, hexatonic, heptatonic have five, six, and seven tone scales, respectively.
used in prehistoric music: ditonic or two, tritonic or three, tetratonic or four
used in jazz and modern classical music: octatonic or eight. Also, diminished, augmented, minor and major scales were used by the Beatles.

Last edited by ModernRocker79; 10-31-2008 at 10:09 AM.
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