Have either of y'all heard of an "Hierarchy?" Most business in the US operate under one, where there's ONE GUY at the top, and then everything starts branching out. Now, in any disagreement, that ONE GUY that's at the top, has the FINAL say, on pretty much everything. When met with insubordination, the dissenter is usually either demoted or fired. Why? Because the company is trying to move toward something, and having a stick in the spokes is not good for business.
Our military and government operates the same way. Why?
Because good, bad or in-between, there's GOT to be a final authority, and that authority is generally known as The Boss.
The thing is, we just went through it, right here, with Ethan abusing his power, and no one said a word. That was fine, because he was a MOD (authority) and i was just a member? And the length of time it continued was fine, also? It continued until i finally started notifying (and REnotifying and RE-REnotifying) the other MODs, and, now? At least one of them won't even take my PM's, because of the ruckus i caused (oh, yes, i am being blamed for Ethan's departure) because, get this, I MADE HIM LOSE CONTROL OF HIMSELF. Huh?
Without airing any more dirty laundry, y'all were down with it here because you saw the beauty of it (Ethan IS more valuable to this Forum than i could ever be),
but then turn around and state, categorically, that you stand against that sort of behaviour and would do anything in your power to change our government from using the heirarchial pattern?
Your actions have spoken for you...
Last edited by WendyCal; 10-30-2008 at 01:10 PM.