A big list of bands that have consistently changed their sound with examples:
Radiohead (The Bends vs. OK Computer)
Velvet Underground (VU & Nico vs. White Light vs. s/t)
My Bloody Valentine (Isn't Anything vs. Loveless)
Deerhunter (Turn It Up ***got vs. Cryptograms vs. Microcastle)
Pavement (Slanted & Enchanted vs. Wowee Zowee vs. Terror Twilight)
Liars (Drums Not Dead vs. s/t)
Wire (Pink Flag vs. Chairs Missing vs. 154)
The Beach Boys (Surfer Girl vs. Pet Sounds vs. Smile)
The Beatles (Rubber Soul vs. Sgt. Pepper vs. Abbey Road)
The Rolling Stones (Aftermath vs. Beggars Banquet vs. Exile)
The Pixies (Bossanova vs. Surfer Rosa)
Joy Division (Unknown Pleasures vs. Closer)
The Stooges (s/t vs. Raw Power)
Those are just a few examples. I feel it's a sign of a truly great band if they can consistently change their sound while maintaining high quality.