Originally Posted by JayJamJah
Abuse of power is a reality with all administrations in our lifetimes.
It's not that I am apathetic towards it, it's that I understand I can't change it and no matter who gets into office the process is too corrupt to produce a legitimate, honest leader. I don't even know how Palin abused her power as governor, I've heard this headline attached to so many candidates on both sides of the isle that I am numb to it.
My solution is thus not to select a less of two evils candidate but instead discuss solutions on how to better the system through higher expectations of candidates.
Here's a quick rundown. Palin wanted a police officer fired. That police officer had recently divorced her sister. It screams of conflict of interest, but it can not be proven that that was her actual motive. The illegal part happened when she and her husband bullied said police officer's superior to fire the guy. When he refused, she fired him. As governor, she has the right to fire and hire at will, that was not the issue. the issue was that she used her position of power to bully the police chief, and because of that, was found to have abused her power.
Now, I am not as cynical as you are with regards to politicians. Yes, every political system has been marred with some sort of scandal. Yet, as of yet, there is no strong evidence of Obama or Biden actually abusing their power as members of the senate. Just because you don't feel you can fix it, does not mean that you have to be apathetic about it.
Your idea of how to improve the system is a good one, and yet it takes time. You can't overhaul the system in one night just by wishing it. I'd like to know what you have heard attached to Obama and Biden in terms of abuse of power, because I certainly have heard no indication of it.