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Thread: Paris Palin
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Old 10-27-2008, 04:32 PM   #22 (permalink)
Son of JayJamJah
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Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
No, these accusations are proven. She does have a $150,000 wardrobe it's been widely reported. The McCain campaign even acknowledged it with their "well we're going to donate it to charity!" statement as soon as the news leaked. Oh and the Alaska governor pretty much always has the highest approval rating. They get to send each of their citizens a check from the oil companies who wouldn't approve of that? Besides, this is recent news. Seeing as it only broke a few days ago and if you look at her approval rating ever since the media was able to dig into how she holds herself as governor and all the various scandals that riddle her career you'd see her approval rating in Alaska has been declining. So yeah hate to break it to you but all these comments do hold plenty of weight.
you're so far off.

Not proven. At least not that she used any of the states money which would be the only crime of consequence to any rational thinking person.

And the clothes stuff is meaningless. It wasn't tax payer money and she's not the only politician in this election to make money from their party.

Not new news. Palin has been battling accusations of current spending since before you heard of her.

Not sure where that oil check idea came from, couldn't find anything about that with a Google search but I've emailed a friend who lived there much of the 90's.

Still the highest rated and if you read this article you'll see the drop is more related to her VP candidacy then anything else.

You've consistently misrepresented the facts and our blind to impartiality, you'll never have credibility or make a point arguing that way.

You're a smart and interesting kid but your self perceived confidence and conviction comes across as arrogance and stubbornness and totally devalues your message.
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Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent View Post
i prefer foreplay. the orgasm is overrated.
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