Originally Posted by dac
Yes this stuff is bad, but do you really think she is the first to do things like this?
No I don't but just because she isn't the first doesn't make it any less reprehensible. She's running around saying she's just like you, she's a middle class citizen, the economic situation is hurting her too. She's running around with a party who's platform is we're the common man, we're for small government, we're not part of that elite fancy crowd and she has a $150,000 wardrobe? The most highly paid person in the McCain campaign is Sarah Palin's make up artist. You don't think that's a bit hypocritical for the party who's saying the government spends too much? You don't have a problem with someone saying that then turning around and using tax payers dollars to fund he family's vacations and accommodations? Sorry I'm not going to excuse her behavior because she "isn't the first to do things like this."