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Old 10-24-2008, 10:30 PM   #21 (permalink)
What a guy
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Location: Brentwood, TN
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These aren't in any specific order.

Colors (2006) by Between the Buried and Me

Where to begin. The album is an 65 minute epic that covers so many genres it isn't even funny. BTBAM could be best be described as progressive metalcore before this album came out, but now it's hard to know what to call them. This album opened my mind to harsh vocals and how they can be used quite effectively, and that it is in fact possible to have a perfect album. If there is no part of this album that you like, than we can't relate to each other and you should probably go get help for your condition.

Get Out of My Yard (2006) by Paul Gilbert

Another album I find perfect. Paul Gilbert is one of the great guitar virtuosos, but he's not respected for his speed; he's known to write great songs, and he didn't disappoint me here. I seriously have no idea how one person can effuse this much awesome in their lifetime, let alone one 6 month recording period.

Black Holes and Revelations (2006) by Muse

Ha, 2006 is becoming a trend for me. It won't stay that way. Anyway, Muse really left their Radiohead-ish-ness with this album. Matt Bellamy's vocals are beautiful (a lot better than Thom Yorke in my opinion, but I know some people would kill me if they read that) and his guitar work is great. I guess the best way to put it is that he knows when he's reached the perfect balance of sounding catchy and still technically appealing. Chris Wolstenholme fingers are pounding away at those bass strings (I don't know how his hand can take it <.<) and Dominic Howard is a extremely creative drummer. I sometimes listen to the whole song just to pay attention to the percussion. This was the album that introduced me to Muse.

Cowboys from Hell (1990) by Pantera

This album has some of the best chugs and riffs I know, and some of the best solos (listening to Domination's pinch harmonics WILL make your balls retract into your body for a second or two). And this album was one of those that created a huge growth of metal fans, and eventually metal bands.

The Bends (1995) by Radiohead

I know the Muse review may have given you the wrong idea, but I really do like this band. Unfortunately the move to synthesized music they've made in recent years hasn't appealed to me. But The Bends, now there's an album that has songs with a full band ensemble, all of them beautiful in their own way.

2112 (1976) by Rush

I love this one because not only does Geddy Lee apply his vocals perfectly, all of the instruments blend perfectly together, and most important for me, the common theme pervades throughout the entire compostion! And the lyrics are great too, Neil Peart never fails to impress.

Toxicity (2001) by System of a Down

Before I knew any good music, before I knew anything about the world, there was Toxicity. I first heard the songs blaring in my brother's room, and I would sit in the hallway outside and just soak up the sounds. At 9 years old, it never occured to me to look into music more, because I didn't have the initiative. I feel like if it hadn't been for my brother blaring System, you might be reading a very different person's thoughts.

Hypnotize (2005) by System of a Down

Strangely enough, I only really came to embrace SOAD after they were on hiatus, which was a drag :\ But not to worry, because their albums, especially this one, will keep me through those long, cold, hiatus-filled nights.

Metallica (1990) by Metallica

Not only a influential album on metal in general, but on all of music, with there combination of softer melodies with thrash. A lot of people say ...And Justice For All was their last good album, but those are just thrash fans.

Rust in Peace (1990) by Megadeth

Now there's 3 1990's, yaaaaaaaay! Well, this album is definitive thrash. The vocals, the speed, the solos, they all mesh perfectly with my perception of thrash. Also, Mustaine is better than Hammett *hides*

I hope you appreciate my first post, I've been on and off typing it for a few hours o.o

Last edited by khfreek; 10-26-2008 at 12:33 PM.
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