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Old 10-23-2008, 08:24 AM   #5 (permalink)
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RE: Illinois, Obama is a Senator. His voice is on the national scale not the State scale. The political situation there is irrelevant because he has no control over it, unlike in the case of Palin who is Governor ergo has direct control and responsibility. It's a non sequitur attack. Also, what's the background of Chicago? At what point did the Democrats take control? Who was in control before hand? How long has the current organisation been in control and so on and so forth. These are merrily left out of the e-mail.

Originally Posted by WendyCal View Post
These i have a problem with on the basis that it is an invasion of family privacy.
I live in a state of perpetual confusion at people who seem convinced that the family unit knows best in every family and every situation.

Originally Posted by WendyCal View Post
Rejects free market vision of government. (Oct 2007)

Words, words, words.
No. Not "from the sounds of it", what has he SAID he will do. "Reject free market vision" is a VERY blanket statement, so instead of making assumptions as to what you think he means by that why not post what he's actually said he'll do?!

Regarding free healthcare, why does it so often seem that swathes of Americans stick their heads in the sand and ignore that so many other countries have it and it works? Hell, if I get ill I'd rather go to Cuba than America. I'd get the best damn healthcare in the world, and it'd be free for a citizen. I also realise that you apparently have a total lack of conscience but we do, in fact, live in a day and age where we can help those who are too sick and dieing to help themselves. And if that means few dollars of your tax money goes towards that it really won't be the end of the world. What's more important, owning the biggest and best Ferrari or getting somebody antibiotics so that they won't die of infection. Or is it only pro-life when it won't cost you anything? (lol hypocrisy)

Last edited by Barnard17; 10-23-2008 at 08:29 AM.
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