Music Banter - View Single Post - Blurt - In Berlin. great album!
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Old 10-22-2008, 11:42 PM   #2 (permalink)
Join Date: Oct 2008
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Default blurt

yes awesome album-owned it years ago when it came out-i saw blurt live in toronto years ago too. at the masonic temple on young street. they opened for new order(!) when new order was just brand new. new order stank-they got halfway through one song and their equipment gave up on them-a roadie stood on stage trying to make sense of the synthesizer instruction manual-to no avail-the new order crapped out and gave up-but fortunately blurt had already blown away the crowd with their opening set. it was love at first sight for me. even the singer's look was totally cool and unique (for the times) he wore a suit that didn't fit with no shirt or socks and he had really ****ed up looking hair, like it was too small for his head...
live in berlin is a really hard record to find now-my copy is long gone...
you got good taste mate
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