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Old 10-21-2008, 06:54 PM   #10 (permalink)
Brad Stengel
This Space for Rent
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Sonic Youth
"Sister" (1987)

The first Sonic Youth album I ever owned was "Dirty". I got it during a 90's alt rock kick I had 5 years ago (in which I purchased lots of albums I realized I only really liked because they reminded me of being a kid-lots of AIC and Pearl Jam, which didn't hold up too well). I wasn't really into it, but a year later I got 'Daydream Nation' and was blown away. A year after that, and I get 'Sister', which was much better than I thought it would be, although it's no 'Daydream'.

It's a pretty well known fact that the first song off almost any SY album is a keeper, and "Schizophrenia" is no exception. I love the way their songs start off sounding like they're going to explode, but often just trail off in a strange (yet enjoyable) way. "Schizophrenia" starts off with so much potential energy, and then just fades into Kim Gordon doing her usual out of key vocals and some odd tuned guitars strumming. Sonic Youth are one of the only bands who can pull this off without ever dissapointing me.

Another album that gets better with each listen. This along with alot of albums I got in 2006 were shelved for all intensive purposes for a few weeks when I got them, because I bought something like 70 albums in three months that year (I had a job that payed 350 a week over the summer. Did I save any? Of course not. This list is basically a list of some of the better excuses for why I had no money after quitting that job). However going back to it, it delivered everything I expected and then more, considering I knew it wouldn't be another "Daydream Nation".

"I've Got A (Catholic Block)" is another classic Youth tune, complete with Thurston Moore's half-assed attitude, screechy guitars, all in what's basically one of Sonic Youth's attempts at a hard rock song, which almost always ends up sounding like The Fall if Mark E. Smith was raised on Teenage Jesus and addicted to speed. Come to think of it, Sonic Youth remind me alot of The Fall, at least their messy songs, most of which are on this album.

Definitely messier than 'Daydream', and shorter songs, although still not as focused as 'Goo' or as slick as 'Dirty', which I always found ironically titled. 'Sister' is the second-best Sonic Youth album, and considering how good their best is, that's not a detriment in the least. I'd say the best startout point for this band is "Daydream Nation", and if you love that album as much as I do, you will be more than satisfyed with what 'Sister' has to offer.
These is the musics I own:

Last edited by Brad Stengel; 10-21-2008 at 07:16 PM.
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