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Old 10-14-2008, 03:20 PM   #852 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent View Post
After taking a hallucinogen you can no longer define reality as "that which is fed to me by my senses." You watch reason twist on itself and unravel. Before taking said substances the only way you can conceive of reality is the things you experience and the means you have to interpret them, but once you tear both of those away and see what's underneath you can't rise back to the surface and pretend that reality is what you always assumed it to be.
I have to agree generally with what RezZ is saying on the matter, not that I really disagree with you. Personally for me, it definately altered my perception of reality at some fundamental level. I wasn't smarter by any means, but my perception and approach to a lot of things was altered in some way.

I can't say that applies to everyone, because like RezZ said, it's different from individual to individual. My trips generally had very profound overtones to them (if that makes sense), and there were generally quite emotional as well. I think some people may take it at more of a surface level, as just "tripping out," though I guess I can't say for certain.
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