Music Banter - View Single Post - The Rolling Stones vs. The Beatles
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Old 10-08-2008, 06:26 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Zarko View Post
lol is the other way "Based on what I like, they make poor and unappealing music"

No, not really. I've got almost all of their albums in my collection. I just feel they're given far too much credit when it comes to being originators of certain styles. In my life, I have actually heard people give credit to the Beatles for producing the first concept album ("Sgt. Pepper's"), the first heavy metal single ("Helter Skelter") and numerous other laughable accolades that have been attached to them simply because of their popularity. Their music was indeed great, but by no means were they the progenitors of even half of what they're ackowledged for.
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