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Old 09-17-2008, 07:55 PM   #6 (permalink)
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I do believe in a creator but feel religion is simply a way for us to understand the impossible to understand.
I always say it is 50/50 as there either is or there isn't.
There is no evidence. You know as far as ghosts and supernatural are concerned there really is nothing.
Photos are all fake. Stories are just anecdotal.
I looked on youtube and there was nothing at all despite all the cameras we have now.
But there is the notion that life seems so complicated and complex how can it be ordered?
but did you know today computers do more tasks then anyone can imagine and it all is planned and ordered the way we want it. yet looking at the complexity would seem impossible.
One interesting thing I read is that lsd under a microscope has light frequencies the same as quantum matter that many believe will uncover other dimensions.
There are other dimensions and time is not a constant.
What this could mean is that God and spirit is not in outer space or inside us but simply in another dimension as yet impossible to access.
But I feel religious stories are just that.
I mean, the longest ever religion on earth was the ancient egyptian religion and now it is just a quiz question and there have been other older religions that believed in a man who was betrayed and killed and rose again before Christ.
I always liked to entertain the idea that God is actually a future being who is manipulating life the way we manipulate science today.
This isn't impossible if we look at how computers are able to carry out trillions of tasks every millisecond in their infancy.
To conclude I feel God is another dimension and time is not a constant.
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