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Old 09-16-2008, 07:22 PM   #69 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
I guess I'd argue that what you are describing is simply rock n roll. All that anti-establishmentism has been the heart and soul of rock n roll since the beginning. The punk bands of the 70s were just trying to bring it back.
I'd say that makes the label "punk" fairly meaningless. People are always trying to bring back stripped-down rock, I always thought the term for that is "roots rock."

Anti-establishment hasn't always been a theme of rock. I don't think Presley, Holly, early Beatles had that as a theme at all. Presley, and rock & roll, may have been seen as inherently anti-establishment because they encouraged sexuality and expressiveness, but most early rock music wasn't expressly about rejecting authority and the mainstream, IMO.
"Blow your tuneless trumpet, the choice is yours / We don't want the glamour, the pomp and the drums / The Dublin messiah scattering crumbs"
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