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Old 09-16-2008, 04:00 PM   #67 (permalink)
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I haven't heard of them so I can't say but lets not also forget that in the UK the music of punk exacted a revenge on the type of society Britain was in 76.
Yet noone was doing anything about it. The hippies from the 60's were now 30 odds and married and the new youth were seriously pissed off. Blacks were been beaten by sus laws and kids were angry.
That is why it exploded so violently.
Like a bomb.
It was only comparable with the birth of rock in it's intensity and youth spirit.
And moreso because it was attcking the structure of British society and smashing it up.
And it all happened in a few short years.
The politics of punk in the UK was what made it different to the US which was less directly attacking the system and what kids had to go through.
That is why punk in the UK had such an impact and songs like white riot were about how the white youths should riot like the blacks do.
That is probably the catchiest song for me and also one that explemlified English punk.
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