Originally Posted by Janszoon
Look at it this way: Punk was a stripping down of rock n roll to it's raw roots in reaction to the excesses of late 60s and early 70s rock. Once you start talking about songs that were before the period that punk reacted against I think you're simply talking about rock n roll. I mean, should we retroactively call Chuck Berry punk too?
I don't think punk was simply stripped down rock. I think it was an expression against establishment and in favour of individuality and doing your own thing without caring what others thought. That attitude led to stripped down rock and pop, because the musical establishment of the time was about big, excessive sound. I think "My Generation" encapsulates that attitude extremely well. Not only is its theme anti-establishment, the music itself was counter to the Beatles "bouncy, happy pop" style (which was mimicked by many at the time).
John Mellencamp was stripped-down rock & roll, but I'd hardly call him punk. I don't think the style of music dictates it.