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Old 09-15-2008, 09:43 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by JayJamJah View Post
Punk to me, and this will sound appropriately ignorant to fans of the genre, is sort of like rock and roll without the skill or mass relate-ability.
I would say punk, in all honesty, doesn't differ from rock and pop anymore. In the '70s, it was a rejection of "hip" and "fitting in." It was music to express individuality. That ended almost as soon as it began. I'd say "punk" now just refers to certain groups of bands that are agreed-upon, with extremely fuzzy boundaries, by whatever circle of discussion you're in. Any attempt to formalize what punk is, in terms of sound, basically devolves into "I know it when I hear it."

Whether a band is punk or not is really one of the most pointless and fruitless debates in music discussions. Punk is a lot like "dream pop" or "noise-rock" doesn't mean anything concrete, the labels are applied arbitrarily based on each person's feelings and it's really all just pop and rock.
"Blow your tuneless trumpet, the choice is yours / We don't want the glamour, the pomp and the drums / The Dublin messiah scattering crumbs"
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