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Thread: Michael Jackson
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Old 09-14-2008, 12:44 PM   #185 (permalink)
Bringer of Carrots
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Originally Posted by mjscarousal View Post
lol I am and I do agree that just because you are found innocent in a court of law doesn't necessarily mean you are innocent BUT in Michael Jackson's case, people are so quick to judge him and make their own assement about what they really think happened when they don't know a damn thing. If people exactly followed the trial INSTEAD of what the media said and all these fake ass experts that don't know what their talking about maybe they would have a different opinion. All I'm basically saying is when it comes down to Michael Jackson people judge him because of all the ish his been through over the years and the controversy. That IS understandable but how can you judge somebody you don't even know? The same thing applies with the case. People weren't there when it happened so how can they say he did something when they don't even know or have evidence? They look at Michael and just assume that EVERYTHING folks say about him is true which is sad but that is what it has came down to because of the controversy. Michael is talented and makes great music thats all that matters period but I feel you and respect how you feel. I just focus on the music all that other mess doesn't matter.
this can go in circles all day... how can you say he's innocent? you don't really know him, right?

In the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter what any of us think... the man is free, if he puts out an album I'll check it out. If I think it could have been better, I'll voice my opinion about it. If another kid comes forward and says Michael touched me... I'll think "not again!!!".
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