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Old 09-09-2008, 05:47 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
If you read the first post don't think Gilmour/Waters really fits that criteria.
Sure they wrote songs together but it's not like Pink Floyd relied on them working together. They were quite capable of knocking out stuff on their own or with the rest of the band collaborating. It's not like they're like the rest of the bands listed who pretty much had 2 members writing together virtually all the material.
Do Lennon/McCartney fit? Only in the very beginning did they write songs together. The vast majority of their material was written separately...Lennon wrote some of the songs by himself, McCartney wrote some of the songs by himself.

Does "team" mean working together, or just all the song-writing work concentrated on two people?
"Blow your tuneless trumpet, the choice is yours / We don't want the glamour, the pomp and the drums / The Dublin messiah scattering crumbs"
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