Originally Posted by Mr. Bojangles
i've been planning on buying a new guitar and theres a JT-300 for $245 and a Fender Squire Stratocaster for 175$ i was wondering which guitar is the best quality?
what do you play now? why do you want a new one? upgrade? backup? cheap beater?
squires are usually entry level / learner models. the jay turser looks to be slightly better quality but it's not going to be a huge leap. basically you're considering buying new models of the kind of guitars that most people pick up for cheap from a friend or pawn shop to learn on.
if you've already been playing a little while and want to step up to something with a little more quality i'd recommend holding off while you save up to double you're budget and start looking at guitars in the $500-700 range.
there are also agile guitars
Rondo Music Home Page if you don't mind buying online without trying first. they have $100 strat knockoffs. whatsitoosit picked one up a while back and seems to really dig it.