Originally Posted by Whatsitoosit
I think the internet being at our fingertips 24/7 has made it so we no longer need to really memorize or retain much, which can be a good thing, why take up space in your brain when you can just look it up? If the older generation is so much more intelligent I want to know why my father still hasn't figured out the VCR.
anyway, I agree... we're just different, not stupid.
The whole argument about the internet giving this generation the liscence to be entirely unmotivated to learn about the surrounding world is a complete cop-out. It's an excuse to fall back on in lieu of admitting that people (yes, people, not just this generation) in general are getting lazy and apathetic. Apathy in my opinion is a form of stupidity. I don't consider anyone who has no curiosity or desire to learn more about the world remotely intelligent.
The internet is an incredibly powerful tool. Knowledge is knowledge, wheather it comes from a book, a tv show or the internet it all ends up the same in the end, as information stored in your brain that makes you a more aware, more informed, and yes, more intelligent person. The key here is that you have to actually internalize that knowledge. The statement that absorbing information has been made irrelevant by the internet and other media is unintelligent. So if you believe that that is a widespread feeling among this generation, then yes, I would say this generation IS less intelligent.