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Old 08-24-2008, 07:49 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default The Nathan Barley generation

Nathan Barley (the fella in my avatar) was a cult tv show that parodied on the 'idiots' of our world. Namely the 'i-pod generation', you know, the twats that follow the trends, or are so ahead of the trend that they are ironically lampooning the trend and are so cool that they take the piss out of the trend before it even becomes the trend. You know what I mean.

It all basically revolved around ironic electro, idiotic haircuts and inventing slang words that barely make any sense (current favourite is 'hench').

Here are some musical culprits - WE SMOKE ***S - Holloway, UK - Electro / Punk / Indie -***s - Does It Offend You, Yeah? ALBUM OUT NOW! - Earth, UK - Electro / Punk / Indie - - DAVID WOLF - Tacoma, Washington - Electro / Club / Thrash -

I mean for **** sake. The last one's default is a bloke with the obligatory skinny jeans and leather jacket smashing a boombox over a deer's head.
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