Originally Posted by The Unfan
The constitution of The United States Of America does not suggest that all men are created equally. The constitution of Maryland suggests it, which was written before the constitution of the US, however has no bearing on the constitution of the U.S. The phrase can also be found in The Declaration Of Independence. For believing in the constitution you sure do a great job of not knowing what its contents are.
I meant to say the Declaration Of Independence but my bad, I was bantering high. However the following is from the Constitution of the United States and DOES imply that all men were created equally by giving blacks the right to vote.
Amendment XV
Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
Originally Posted by The Unfan
But bartering is where the concept of fiscal value even comes from. Therefore all the developments over history wouldn't have happened without it. I'm not saying we're not derivative, I'm saying we're doing it better because of all the progress we've made. If group A does something better than group B isn't it just outright nonsense for group B to tell group A they're doing it wrong?
You said "For instance we don't follow old business models because the internet changed how business is done entirely". Just because you improve on something doesn't make it wrong, and doesn't change it entirely.
Originally Posted by The Unfan
Apparently I'm dumb.I will draw a parallel to see if it helps. If you own a house the government can't say who you can and can't allow in based on whatever principals you so choose. You own said home, that is your property to do whatever legal things you want with. Why should this not apply to businesses? If I have the right to disallow blacks into my house why shouldn't I have the right to disallow black people to utilize my service? Likewise if it is up to me if people can smoke in my house or not why shouldn't it also be true for my business?
Because business is government regulated, even private business.
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Now if you have a illegal private business, as in not government regulated, thats a different story. But you cannot own and operate a business without a license, even a private one. Another perfect example would be how city governments make it illegal to smoke in bars.