If Eternal Life is defined as living Forever, and Forever is defined as living through all time, then disregarding the possibility of an afterlife, then everyone lives forever.
BECAUSE, if you think about it, relative to your life, all time is the time from when you are first conscious to when you die, as after that, nothing happens relative to you. Time, for you, is over, as it were.
If there is an afterlife, you either go there forever, or you get reincarnated and do it all again in an endless cycle, both of which cases imply eternity.
so, I guess you could say that everyone has Eternal Life :P
But seriously, I wouldn't like to live forever, especially if noone else did. It would just be so, so lonely watching everyone you knew and loved die...
"I found it eventually, at the bottom of a locker in a disused laboratory, with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard". Ever thought of going into Advertising?"
- Arthur Dent