Instead of thinking of a theme, I thought what the hell. I will look at what M's are on my MP3 player and choose a track from each band (12 tracks but feck it) so here we go:
1) Melt Banana- Shield For Your Eyes, A Beast
A simple groovy guitar riff kicks off. So far so normal, then the kooky childlike female vocals kick in and the tempo explodes. Punctured with electronic manipulation and you get the magnificent Melt Banana. If you don't like this then you hate music.
2) My Bloody Valentine- Lose My Breath
A simple monotonous acoustic riff played behind Belinda's slow hazy drawl. Possibly my favourite MBV track.
3) Mother Tongue- Burn Baby
Got ya. A band I am always banging on about are here in all their skanky dirty rock blues swagger. Listen to that amazing drum roll at 2:20 , then PM me for the album
4) Maudlin Of The Well- Heaven And Weak
Before Kayo Dot there was MOTW and mighty fine they were too. This slow builder is one of the more mainstream tracks they did. It has the feel of a classic rock track then it hits the half way point and decides to become a Thrash Metal track before ending with some awesome riffing. Delicious.
5) Mos Def- Zimzallabim
The guitars come out and add a barbed intensity to Mos Def's effortless flow. 'The New Danger' is a stupendously good Rap album.
6) Mindless Self Indulgence- Molly
Love them or hate them but MSI peddle an infectious electro punk wackout noise and their energy is evident on this live track. Is Molly a Liar?
7) Mass- Elephant Talk
Post Punk minimalism that creeps insidiously into your head even if you don't want it there. That creepy church organ does'nt help much either but it's certainly effective.
8) Mice Parade- Milton Road
Duelling acoustic guitars make a stand off while the most gorgeous distorted guitar throws it's hat into the ring. Metaphorically speaking of course. No vocals or percussion the hypnotic guitar lines ensure it's own particular rythmn.
9) Mount Eerie- No Flashlight
Before Bon Iver retreated into the mountains for solitude, Mount Eerie was already there making a sublime melancholic album of which this simple acoustic piece is it's calling card.
10) Melody Gardot- Love Me Like A River Does
I will love her however she wants me. A lot of Female Jazz vocalist leave me cold with their coffee shop banality. Not this little beauty. This is old school Jazz. Deliciously late night smoke material. Move over Winehouse, this is how it's done.
11) Masters Of Reality- Kill The King
The masterful Chris Goss at his laconic best. Damn fine stoner blues rock that begins with a simple acoustic guitar/ piano riff and then the groove come sin and what a riff. how I love the first MOR album. Great great Rock music.
12) Meat Puppets-I'm A Mindless Idiot
Cow Punk is what best describes MP, although this guitar picking track is one of their lighter tracks. A great jaunty number to finish things off.
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