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Old 08-22-2008, 01:49 AM   #6 (permalink)
The Unfan
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Originally Posted by adidasss View Post
You've heard that you don't need history and geography or that this generation is less knowledgeable in those areas?
Less knowledgeable.

So instead of looking at an atlas at school, you'll find your desired location on the web, where's the difference?

As for social and political things, are we talking about the general degeneration of manners which is certainly true but also not connected to intelligence, or political awareness, which I'd have to say is probably a lot greater than 30-40 years ago?
Both, but I wouldn't say manners are degenerating. I'd say they're changing. I wouldn't say last generation is less aware, but this is also harder to gauge and I'll touch on that in a bit.

What? Where are you getting this? How can anyone look dumber for having progressive ideas? They may look scornfully at those changed ideals, but I really don't see how they could find you intellectually inferior.
Every liberal looks dumb to a conservative and every conservative looks dumb to a liberal. Its more of a perceptive dumbness than anything. Its easy for anyone to dismiss someone as less intelligent when they're given the same information and come to the opposite conclusion you've came to with it. It also doesn't help when we have Ann Coulters and Michael Moores making both sides look bat **** insane.

Again, that doesn't really translate into intelligence, if it's obvious that these "drastically different" ways of doing business are working.
Originally Posted by jgd85
Listen, the internet is great... but it hasnt changed the 'business model' as much as it just speed it up. People still solve problems with the same equations, they just dont do it by hand anymore. People talk about the same ****, they just do it over a telephone instead of in person. Their 'business model' is the one we based ours on.
This could be argued back to the bartering days of old. The fact is it is drastically different. Computers cut out a lot of middle men, make it easier to invest less in advertising while also making it tempting to invest more, makes networking easier, makes global commerce almost requisite if you intend to make it big (and in that sense redefines big), and shifts lots of jobs. I would agree that mom & pop stores stay pretty much the same, but anything on a larger scale is drastically different.

And just because the internet is here doesnt mean it bridged social gaps (I am not saying it didnt help). I think alot of it has to do with policies put into place by these OLD PEOPLE, like desegregation.
But it has bridged a lot of gaps. The internet has created the most socially open collective in probably the history of the world. That alone is one of the biggest steps of social progression in history. All the conventional social structures have been tossed out the window and all is well. The internet has a certain aloofness and whimsy to it that I'm not even quite sure I fully understand but it is telling of something I've probably yet to fully understand. Its like San Francisco but crazier.

Also is forced desegregation really a good thing? Shouldn't it be up to the property owner to decide who they service and for what reasons?
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