Originally Posted by adidasss
What knowledge? Math, English, geography, history?
I've heard it about history and geography a lot. I was referring to more social and political things specifically though I also think we're less likely to care about geography because we have things like mapquest.
Societal things, politics, business, general behavior and what not.
Originally Posted by jgd
For the record, the unfan is a punk so it makes sense that you feel like old people berate you... its likely deserved.
I don't actually feel that its intended as berating actually. I think its a simple misunderstanding but it comes off as a rather asinine way to think about the youth. We're a different generation with different expectations on almost all fronts. To criticize a group of forward moving people based on the grounds that we don't care how you would do something because we've completely redefined how it is done is rather odd.