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Old 08-18-2008, 10:08 PM   #10 (permalink)
The Unfan
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The episode about 9/11 truthers was horribly done. Not that their point was wrong but the method they tried to use to get to it was based upon a weird logical fallacy. They attempted to appeal to emotions as opposed to actually trying to debunk the conspiracy theorists' claims. Penn just yammered on about how the detective guy wouldn't lie about it because it was too close to home for him and he lost a lot of friends and family in the accident. They also went through the same routine with a firefighter. But, if I recall correctly, they never even attempted to disprove that there was an inside job so the entire episode was wasted.

Also, the first episode where they talked about people talking to the dead also had this problem. They eventually got around to discussing the methods used and demonstrating it, however half the episode was Penn talking about how emotionally upsetting it was that people actually make a living off of it as if that somehow mannered to the subject at hand.

Fuck this show. I want magic.
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