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Old 08-16-2008, 06:07 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by lucifer_sam View Post
No, they aren't necessary. People use those sub-sub-genres just to differentiate one band from another, and not to collectively classify them within a genre. That's not how a genre is supposed to work. You don't divide, divide and divide until you can declare one sound to be a certain type of metal, and when someone breaches that genre, it becomes a new genre. Sub-genres are supposed to group bands that have similar sounds together, not distinguish them from similar bands. And guess what? IT'S ALL FUCKING METAL.

It happens in other genres, but not as frequently or as perversely as metal.
If you're quite a fan of a genre, then you wouldn't think its subgenres are ridiculous because you're experienced enough to notice a lot of distinction between groups of bands.

E.g. stoner doom is worlds apart from funeral doom.

Originally Posted by pingu View Post
i agree with lucifer
Of course you agree. You'd agree with anyone if it raises your post count.
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