Originally Posted by lucifer_sam
Genius is appreciated but I'm just an old bugger with a relatively good memory. I was waiting for a lot of my Thrash stuff to transfer from my old pc to my new one and that has now been done so expect a little run soon
For Alfred (Demonoid mentioned some good ones already) so also try these:
Death Angel-The Ultra Violence
Exodus-Bonded By Blood
Testament-The New Order
Coroner-Mental Vortex
Kreator-Extreme Aggression
...and the greatest Thrash album ever (as PMO stated) Reign In Blood.
For punk/Hardcore tinged Thrash try:
Nuclear Assault-Game Over
S.O.D- Speak English Or Die
And if you want diversify a little more try some crossover stuff:
Crumbsuckers-Life Of Dreams
Agnostic Front-Cause For Alarm
Ludichrist-Immaculate Deception