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Old 08-10-2008, 01:45 PM   #5 (permalink)
Al Dente
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Originally Posted by right-track View Post
Out of interest SATCHMO (I know you're a reasonable guy), but how would you feel if a foreigner bought a round of 9/11's for a group of Americans you were with, while guests in a foreign country?
I would definitely be concerned whether or not there were any hostile implications being made toward ME. I don't think I would be offended about any implications being made about my country. I only say this because a lot of young americans tend to be very sympathetic toward the global image of America being "The spoiled rich bully of the neighborhood". Plus we tend to be very flippant about our sense of patriotism. I mean I understand, but my curiosity about what other english people would think or feel was aroused by the fact the when you say the phrase "Irish Car Bomb" to anyone in this country the immediate image that comes to mind is not the death and destruction of English citizens, but of the death and destruction of one's liver. Is it crazy that were so detached from the horrid reality that lies behind the name of a popular drink in our country. If anything it makes me think of how politically narcissistic We Americans can be, in that we don't think about how alienated and offended someone could become in such a situation.
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