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Old 08-08-2008, 05:15 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Nothing will be done except some whining in the media, there is no oil in Georgia, no large American presence, no military bases, and the U.S. is one more conflict from thinking of instituting the draft to fill the ranks of their military. After the invasion of sovereign nations themselves what moral authority does the U.S. have now? All that is left is threatening military action without the means to carry it out, for the moment, short of nuclear intervention. Anybody think the Russians will pay any attention to the American's bluster, not after thumbing their noses and installing the missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic despite the Russians vocal objections. The reaction from the Russians should come as no surprise to anyone who pays attention to the geo-political situation in our insane world. I personally like Americans, but this present administration is the worst ever.
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