Originally Posted by sweet_nothing
Hellz yeh some VU would be great for and some Syd Barrett Floyd would be great for a Psychedelic pack for some DLC
Yeah! Ween, P.H., Cream, Flaming Lips, and the Beatles...jesus I would play that game non-stop then.
But thanks for reading my mind, whether it be sarcastic or not.
Originally Posted by lucifer_sam
It would be way, way, way too hard to get those artists' permission to use their songs. I am extremely surprised that Bob Dylan allowed anything to be licensed to a video game, but perhaps he is growing sentimental in his old age. It's actually rather indicative of a sellout to see some musicians on that list. And most of the permission is yielded by the actual artists, not the record companies. Up until about six months ago, I don't think you could even find Led Zeppelin or The Beatles on iTunes.
Honestly, I would rather not see those artists on there at all. It would ruin their unblemished images for me. Covers are fine, though. A butchered cover doesn't make me hate the original artist.
The Beatles are still not on iTunes

but I know what you mean. I would rather see them on there because I always wanted play along with a bunch of those songs on drums (which I don't play) or lead guitar (which I plain suck at). That's the fanboy in me.