I love you for making this thread, JJ, I really do. This is so fun.
There is no sight that the man who sees can’t realize. When I look back I see the bright light of my past and realize that I fell too fast and drove too quick and now I’m stuck. In this. In what? In this world, this evisceration of modern life. In this godforsaken land of hypocrites and strife and obese, diabetic people everywhere. I stare at my shoes and wonder how the world ever got this way to place some abnormal destructive habit on the cusp of an egg where you can throw, you can throw with all your might but sure enough it won’t break against the wall. And that wall is stacked many feet high, above the parking lot that your shoes and feet are in, along with your legs and the rest of your body. But your brain, your brain isn’t there. And no matter what you do or who you blow you’ll never get that time back so make the most of your life or it will pass you by.