Two Truths And A Lie
Following on from the question posed in a recent Saturday 6 pack: "2 Truths and a Lie" – Share 3 unique things about yourself and your life. Two of them true, but one must be false. I have collected all the statements from those who posted so we can begin the guessing games!
A) Molecules:
I am Polish; I have had 4 ingrown toenails; I am undergoing cognitive behavioural therapy. Ok, admittedly none of them are that unique whaddya want from me anyway??
B) Piss Me Off:
-Eating Chips makes me throw up.
- I'm terrified of dentists, haven't been in years.
-I was born on Friday the 13th
C) Proggy Man:
I've never left the country, I broke/lost two iPods in one week and was born in Berkeley.
D) Alfred:
My mom's 2nd cousin plays bass guitar in Avril Lavigne's backing band.
My band has a show on September 12.
I'm listening to a Christmas-themed song at the moment.
E) Satchmo:
I love flowers, I look like Chris Pontius from Jackass, I have 6 testacles.
F) Lucifer Sam:
I have a higher GPA in college now than I did in high school.
I couldn't care less about what grades I get in college.
I've been arrested twice for possession.
G) LesPaul43:
Girls call me a pussy tease, I lost my virginity when I was 14, I am a huge underachiever.
H) Jackhammer:
I only use one eye to see with.
I play guitar left handed but I am right handed.
I have run a marathon for charity.
I) ComingUpRoses:
I'm adopted.
I've wrecked 3 cars.
I'm been swimming as a sport since I was 4.
J) The Unfan:
I'm a guitarist.
I can speak German.
I've had an argument with Jamie Jasta.
I'm going to Finland within the next year
I once got a gig headlining a festival partially due to my guitarist sleeping with the festival organizer.
I havent changed my 'look' much since high school.
L) right-track:
I once cycled from Manchester to Plymouth in my school holidays when I was 14 and I still don't know why I did it.
I'm a hired assassin.
I didn't do a days work until I was 25.
M) sweet nothing:
I just learned how to play 'Yellow' by Coldplay on guitar'
I lie alot
These are really good questions
N) savannah:
i listen to mylie cirus
i own 56 pairs of flip flops but only wear about four
growing up my friends called me counselor
O) seltzer:
* I've tumbled down a mountain
* Damo Suzuki asked me for a cigarette
* I broke my arm playing rugby league.
P) UberFilmBuff:
I broke my leg twice before the age of two
I didn't listen to music until the age of fifteen
I have 83 cousins
Q) mamanuthead:
I had 8 teeth pulled when I was a little kid
My first car was a Chevy Chevette
I won $5,000 in a casino last year
R) nonsubmissivewife:
-I've worked at the same place since I was 17.
-I love zombie movies.
-My brother is a transvestite neo-nazi eskimo.
S) WolfAtTheDoor:
-I said toodleoo to virginity at the age of 14.
-I once helped Josh Von Grimm and Spider Webb from The Horrors with their shopping.
-I did a **** on a swan in a cemetary.
T) wolverinewolfweiselpigeon:
I was once babysat by Matthew Fox of Lost.
-I have been diagnosed with a slight case of OCD.
-I have spent a night in county jail.
Let's have some answers!
“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”