It's not not plagiarism because it doesn't sound like the original, it's not plagiarism because they give the original artists credit. The fact that it usually hardly sounds like the original just adds to it.
And I've never said that Led Zeppelin don't deserve any credit for their covers, I'm saying the original artists do deserve credit and Led Zeppelin were plagiarists for not giving any in some cases.
And sorry about getting so angry there, beb. I've calmed down now, got a cigarette and some strawberry yogurt.
This is where we differ, I can discern another song inside a song, or book inside a book, I am distracted the whole is ruined. Best recent example is Sean Kingston's "Beautiful Girl", instantly hear Stand by Me and the song just becomes a "bad cover" really. I here a song I like and the artists is butchering it. You get what I mean?
It's not really a matter of opinion. If you write a book and two chapters are stolen from another book, word-for-word, you still wrote the rest of it and deserve credit for that. I get what you mean, I'm just saying that it isn't plagiarism and the original artist isn't the only one who deserves any credit.
EDIT: Don't get me wrong, that song is without a doubt the epitome of aural diarrhea.