G'day peeps (Dunno why i said that, i never use it.....must be nerves *calms self*) Silly me posted a reply to a thread before i introduced myself - how rude am i??

But don't worry it shan't happen again, from now on i'm all about the manners and political correctness

. Anywho an ikkle smidgen about me.......erm......well im situated in the UK (unenthusiastic 'wooo') and i thought i was an avid music fan, until i read some of your lovely threads which made me feel slightly inadequate. I wouldn't really say im a massive fan of any one genre really i just like to dabble in different kinds......u can cal me Mr Dabbler..(no dont thats a little silly...er.....yea)
So there we are, hard evidence of my bothced attempt to introduce myself..........oh well 'nothing ventured, nothing gained eh?' Still that's me in a very unstable nutshell

Bye bye.......fer now mwahahahhahaha..........................ahem