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Old 07-19-2008, 01:44 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Yeah that does piss me off, but it's dumb reason not to go.

But you have to think about it rationally, when you have a LOT of musicians booked and you're expecting a huge turnout, it's better to have different bands playing at the same time, if they didn't they would have to stretch it out for god knows how long and nobody wants that. Not to mention it would mean having to have it all in one place, full of god knows how many people camping out, for 3 days.

Screw that. Not everyone wants to go to Bonaroo.
Well that and the fact that they are too overpriced. Not just the festival itself but any refreshments or food that are being sold. Also if you live far away there's gas, lodging, restaurants... Bottom line is if you're shelling out a lot of money you at least want to see all the bands that you like.
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