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Old 07-18-2008, 07:44 AM   #93 (permalink)
Bringer of Carrots
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Well he's not "better", that wasn't really the point of the list. May has a great sound, though his use overdubbing was a big part of it. Townshend may not be better technically, but he pretty much invented a new approach to playing guitar, using more feedback and distortion than anyone before him and playing power chords more extensively than anyone before him, and his influence is insanely huge.
Fair enough... I can agree to that.

Originally Posted by the irish front View Post
why does everyone focus on classical music and oldies or whatever music to be the most experiences in guitar playing? its retarded, people commonly feel that just because a band and its member are old that they have experience.

jesus, have you ever heard of metal?
Because that's who the newer guitarists were influenced by... it's called respect. You can't just go pulling the foundation of rock music out from under the newer guys that you like... the whole thing would collapse.
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