07-15-2008, 04:29 PM
#2 (permalink)
Atchin' Akai
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Unamerica
Posts: 8,723
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Welcome to the Musicbanter promotions forum.
Due to a high number of people taking advantage of this forum we have very strict criteria for posting advertisements in here. Please read these and follow these rules if you wish your promotion to remain here.
1. This forum should only be used to promote music. You can promote bands , you can promote upcoming releases and gigs. You cannot use this forum to promote businesses , competitions , other websites, or provide email addresses and no we don't want free ipods either.
2. If you create an account for the sole purpose of using this forum to promote things again and again both your account and your promotions will be deleted. This is a discussion forum for it's members , it is not free webspace for you to advertise.
3. If you spam the discussion forums with 15 useless posts so you can post a link in here you will also have your account terminated.
4. Duplicate threads both here and in the main forums will result in your account terminated and your threads deleted.
5. People promoting major label acts will be banned and have their promotions removed on sight. Yes that means you interns from UMG.
6. The moderators decision on what is or isn't spam is final. If you don't like that then find another forum.