Originally Posted by sleepy jack
Meh, Yesterday is still one of my favorite Beatles songs.
Eh, awesome track. One of Paul's most superb melodies. Supposedly he actually composed the main melody in a dream, and then for months afterwards was terrified of using it because he feared that, since he came up with it in a dream, he may have plagiarized it from something he heard once upon a time. Anyway, as the story goes, for weeks afterwards he went around all corners of the music industry asking if they'd ever heard it before. After nobody claimed it, he finally decided to keep it. And a damn good job he did. I think Yesterday is the most covered song of all time or something.
Originally Posted by Molecules
if they were all edible they'd all be special in their own different ways, like Rowntree's Fruit Pastilles.
But Let It Be would be lime, 'cause it's ****
Let It Be is a drastically bad record. Often diehards make excuses saying "it may be sub-par by Beatles' standards but still, the worst thing recorded by the Beatles is way better than almost anything recorded by any other artist". Seriously. I really hate that kind of bias. If the Beatles record a generally mediocre set of songs, then let it be recognized as such.
Let It Be is REALLY odd too, in that it is SUCH a relentless, extreme return to basics that it pretty much ditches all the experimental touches added by the band to their music in previous years. For the most part it could well (in another world) have surfaced as a dud record in 1965 or something.