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Old 07-06-2008, 12:45 PM   #51 (permalink)
Son of JayJamJah
Occams Razor
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Please Please Me - More then half the songs are covers, but Twist and Shout is a hit and "Saw her standing there" shows great song writing potential.

With the Beatles - Pretty average Lp, maybe the most dated sounding album.

Hard Days Night - First Soundtrack and a significant album. All original compositions and the first evolution in their sound.

Beatles for Sale - Another cover heavy LP with some classic originals. Introduction to folk music influence by the Beatles.

Help! - Another Soundtrack, my opinion their best one. Lots more Harrison on the song writing then in the past and a more poppy sound then the previous two albums.

Rubber Soul - Beginning of "new" Beatles a divisive album. For me it's a dud comparatively speaking, but it's very much beloved by fans especially folk\Beatles Fans.

Revolver - The Album that made me a Beatles fan, I was maybe 10 when it was released but when i finally "listened" to it 2 or 3 years later it hit me. Most electric and experimental Beatles album up to that point.

Sgt. Peppers - Sometimes considered the preeminent Beatles LP. Very good but that claim is debatable. Very few if any weak tracks, "When i'm 64" draws the most criticism in my experience.

The Beatles - Self titled often referred to as "the White Album" is the double side opus maximus for the fab-four. Though there are a number of average to slightly above average tracks it's an over all astounding compilation.

Yellow Submarine - Soundtrack and often times the harshest reviewed Beatles album and with good reason i suppose, it falls way short of anything else from the prolific 1966-1970 era.

Abbey Road - Could have and maybe should have been the Beatles final album. The pinnacle of consistency and creativity as the singles are great, Harrison and Starr have solid contributions, their are love songs, and the medley ending side two steals the show.

Let it Be - Very good album, originally planned to be released prior to Abbey Road, then scrapped and re-released in early 1970. Several nods to the end of the band within the album including final spoken line..."I hope we passed the audition"
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