Music Banter - View Single Post - The 10 Track Mixtape Thread (Song Lists Without Links Will Be Deleted)
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Old 06-30-2008, 05:59 PM   #1 (permalink)
Black Rock
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Posts: 4

Just found this forum, figured this would be a good thread to start in. Here we go.

1. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker - O.A.R.

My first concert, and this song just completely awed me. It was so amazing live, and sent chills down my spine.

2. Old Dirt Hill - Dave Matthews

This song just sends you back, and really pulls you in. Feel good music. Especially good when its Dave and Tim Reynolds.

3. Fat Lip- Sum 41

My first favorite band, this was their biggest hit, and basically was all I listened to from 1st grade to 4th grade. Still listen occasionally.

4. Ramble On- Led Zeppelin

Just a great song I've loved since the first time I heard it.

5. Rooftop- Mike Perkins

Another feel good song, saw him live and it was awesome.

6. Slave to the Grind- Skidrow

In my opinion, the best metal song, and just a great jam.

7. One Love/ People Get Ready- Bob Marley & The Wailers

Just pure reggae, from the king of reggae.

8. Spies- Coldplay

Went about a year, where I was obsessed with Coldplay, and this song was my favorite of theirs. Recently picked up their new album, Viva la Vida. It's very good.

9. Flying Horses- Dispatch

Just a great song.

10. Black Rock- O.A.R.

Where my username comes from, this is a great song about a place where O.A.R. grew up, and where they could go to do whatever they needed. I have a place like this in my life, and it is just a great song.
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