Your age and the song that REALLY hooked you onto music?
When I was 11 years old or so I asked my older brother's teenage friend (who was blasting music in his headphones at the time) what the big deal about music was, and let him know that I was never really into it. All he replied was, "just wait till you reach puberty and ask me then." Being an intelligent 11 year old that I was, I laughed at the word "puberty" and went on playing my video games.
-Cut to 2 years later- I'm going through my lonely, "I don't really understand myself and nobody does either" phase and I hear the Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under the Bridge playing on the radio. That was it. I still remember how deeply that beautiful melody and lyrics passed through me. I fell in love right then and there and music has been a big part of my life ever since (I'm still young, 20).
I guess I'm curious to see what age you guys were when music really struck a chord with you, so to speak, and if you happen to remember a specific song that might have done it?
Last edited by staralfur15; 06-28-2008 at 12:40 AM.