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Old 06-25-2008, 08:48 PM   #11 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 131

Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen View Post
How about a dedicated New Members forum where all new members' posts have to go (as in they cannot post elsewhere); all would have a designated probationary period (a couple months?), and then if a special panel decides they are indeed serious posters, they are gradually integrated into the main forums.
That's a good concept Rainard but implementing it as Urban/PMO both pointed out would be a nightmare for the Mods, and they do so much already that it wouldn't be fair. I was thinking more along the lines of you know 25 posts where new members are given some leeway, instead of stomping on them,,,just post a helpful hint, you know what I mean,,,"That's a decent answer Sasquatch, but how about some more detail, you know the best song off the album why you like it,,,why they lost their focus and fell apart", that kind of helpful criticism. When a new member reaches 50 post let's say, the expectations are higher too,,,then the veterans can start engaging in more detail and intense discussions, "You know Sasquatch, that album sucked I can't believe you like it so much, I thought it was trash compared to the previous one". If this approach was used for a long enough period, the new members will automatically treat rookies the same way,,,which inevitably will be beneficial to the Mods and Veterans as well, by establishing a protocol that trains new members without embarrassing/intimidating them and hopefully frees up everyone else to post more fun/entertaining material.
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