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Old 06-25-2008, 12:18 AM   #5 (permalink)
Rainard Jalen
Music Addict
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Why? Whats so damn wrong with people prefering that album? It really shows the flexibility of John, Paul and Georges songwriting talents. And it's my 4th favorite Beatles album after Sgt Peppers, Abbey Road and Revolver.
Because it's the one album where the Beatles stop being The Beatles and try to be everything else, everything they were not. If one loves the Beatles for the Beatles, then they ought to love Sgt Peppers, Abbey Road and Revolver more than the self-titled. Aside from that, the album is a disjointed incoherent mess on which the songwriters are CLEARLY not on the same page as each other - it might as well for much of it be a merged compilation of solo EPs. So why a Beatles fan would prefer it to the albums where The Beatles were actually on the same page is beyond me and I think it's a pity that in many circles The White Album has come to be seen as the band's masterwork.

Other than that, it's an enjoyable record and also my 4th favourite after the other three. I could tie it with Rubber Soul too, I reckon.
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