Here are the things these retards find as evidence of a Satanic connection.
-Some kind of an association with/or admiration for Aleister Crowley, who was an occultist, but not a Satanist.
-Stupid coincidences.
-Urban legends and myths that have been debunked.
-Quotes that can easly be interpreted in different ways. When Hendrix, Santana, Black Sabbath and Ginger Baker talk about "being posssessed" on stage does that mean they are actually demon possessed? Um, THEY TOOK A LOT OF DRUGS. Getting possessed can also just be a term for really getting into it.
-When artists like Madonna say they are full of demons, they must be talking about actual demons and not personal problems which are often called personal demons.
-When artists talk about the power of music, it's always interpreted as being something supernatural, how ****ing retarded.
-If a rock artist has a religious experience, it's Satan. Santana claims to be visited by Metatron, an ANGEL. Yep he's a Satan worshiper.
-Any reference to hell is taken as Satanic, like Hotel California, which is supposed to be pro hell? These people dont know anything, whatever place that song is about, it dosen't show it in a positive light.
-Songs with Satanic themes are always interpreted to be pro Satan. Sabbath and Maiden only have a few songs about Satan and hell, and they're just singing about it, not glorifying it.
-Drug users are instantly Satanic because drugs open them up to the "demon world".
-Homosexuals like Elton John are consistantly called sexual deviants with some kind of evil agenda.
-Any references to Hinduism or any other non Christian religion is considered Satanic. They even say Krishna is actually Satan and My Sweet Lord is a Satanic song because it's about Krishna.
-Quoting artists like David Bowie and Kurt Cobain, who are notorious for saying and doing things for the sake of being provocative.
-Backmasking. The most retarded anti rock music argument there is.
-Criticizing Christianity is automatically Satanic.
-When stupid kids murder people because of music, it's always the music's fault, it's not because they make their own choices.
-Kids are angry because of the angry music they listen to, they don't listen to it because they're angry.
-If a performer is very energetic on stage, it must be demon posession.
-When artists say they "sold their soul to the devil" its always taken literally.
Few of these artists downright said they worshipped Satan. Maybe because they don't?
These videos are so full of ridiculous bullcrap.
Elvis was NOT born on the same year Robert Johnson died, he was born on 1935 which was before Johnson even started recording, Johnson died in 38. They both died on August 16? Whoa, that can't just be a coincidence.